jueves, 13 de marzo de 2008



- Albuquerque, F.S., Cayuela, L., Asunçao-Albuquerque, M.J., Gálvez-Bravo, L. y Dávila, P. 2011. Is bird diversity effectively protected in Central America? En revisión.

- Hódar, J., Zamora, R. y Cayuela, L. 2011. Climate change and the incidence of a forest pest in Mediterranean ecosystems: can the North Atlantic Oscillation be used as a predictor? En segunda revisión.

- Moreno-Mateos, D., Rey Benayas, J.M., Pérez-Camacho, L., de la Montaña, E., Rebollo, S. y Cayuela, L. 2011. Effects of land use type on a Mediterranean nocturnal bird community. Acta Ornithologica, aceptado (con cambios menores).

- Golicher, J.D., Cayuela, L. y Newton, A. 2011. Effects of climate change on the potential species richness of Meso-American forests. Biotropica, en prensa.

- Cayuela, L., Gálvez-Bravo, L., Pérez Pérez, R. et al. (50 autores). 2011. The Tree Biodiversity Network (BIOTREE-NET): prospects for biodiversity research and conservation in the tropics. Biodiversity and Ecology, en prensa.

- Cayuela, L., Ruiz-Arriaga, S. y Ozers, C.P. 2011. Honeybees increase fruit set in native species important for wildlife conservation. Environmental Management, en prensa.

- de la Montaña, E., Rey Benayas, J.M., Vasques, A., Razola, I. y Cayuela, L. 2011. Conservation planning of vertebrate diversity in a Mediterranean agricultural-dominant landscape. Biological Conservation 144: 2468-2478.

- Schulz, J.J., Cayuela, L., Rey Benayas, J.M. y Schröder, B. 2011. Factors influencing vegetation cover change in Mediterranean Central Chile (1975-2008). Applied Vegetation Science 14: 571-582.

- Cayuela, L., Gálvez-Bravo, L., Carrascal, L.M. y Albuquerque, F.S. 2011. Comments on Bartolino et al. (2011): Limits of cumulative relative frequency distribution curves for hotspot identification. Population Ecology 53: 597-601.

- Albuquerque, F.S., Assunçao-Albuquerque, M.J.T., Gálvez-Bravo, L., Cayuela, L. y Rey Benayas, J.M. 2011. Identification of critical areas for mammal conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Biosphere Reserve. Natureza & Conservaçao 9(1): 73-78.

- Vaca, R., Cayuela, L. y Golicher, J.D. 2011. Using climatically-based decision tree forest to downscale coarse-grained potential natural vegetation maps in tropical Mexico. Applied Vegetation Science 14: 388-401.

- Rey Benayas, J.M., Cristóbal, L., Kitzberger, T., Manson, R., López-Barrera, F., Schulz, J., Vaca, R., Cayuela, L., Rivera, R., Malizia, L., Golicher, D., Echeverría, C., del Castillo, R. y Sala, J. Assessign the current extent and recent loss of dryland forest ecosystems. En: Newton, A.C. y Tejedor, N. (eds.) Principles and practice of forest landscape restoration: case studies from the drylands of Latin America. International Union for Nature Conservation, Gland, Suiza, pp. 21-62.

- Cayuela, L., Hódar, J.A. y Zamora, R. 2011. Is insecticide spraying a viable and cost-efficient management practice to control pine processionary moth in Mediterranean pine woodlands? Forest Ecology and Management 261: 1732-1737.

- Albuquerque, F.S., Castro-Díez, P., Rodríguez, M.A. y Cayuela, L. 2011. Assessing the influence of environmental and human factors on native and exotic species richness. Acta Oecologica 37: 51-57.

- Cayuela, L., de la Cruz, M. y Ruokolainen, K. 2010. A method to incorporate the effect of taxonomic uncertainty on multivariate analyses of ecological data. Ecography 34: 94-102.


- Altamirano, A., Field, R., Cayuela, L., Aplin, P., Rey-Benayas, J.M. y Lara, A. 2010. Woody species diversity in temperate Andean forests: the need for new conservation strategies. Biological Conservation 143: 2080-2091.

- Schulz, J., Cayuela, L., Echeverría, C., Salas, J. y Rey-Benayas, J.M. 2010. Land cover dynamics in the dryland Mediterranean forest landscape of Central Chile. Applied Geography 30: 436-447.

- Pacheco, S., Malizia, L. y Cayuela, L. 2010. Effects of climate change on subtropical forests of South America. Tropical Conservation Science 3(4): 423-437.


- Cayuela, L., Murcia, C., Hawk, A.A., Fernández-Vega, J. y Oviedo-Brenes, F. 2009. Tree responses to habitat fragmentation and canopy openness in a tropical montane forest fragment in southern Costa Rica. Tropical Conservation Science 2(4): 425-436.

- Newton, A.C., Hill, R.A., Echeverría, C., Rey-Benayas, J.M., Golicher, D.J., Cayuela, L. y Hinsley, S. 2009. Remote sensing and the future of landscape ecology. Progress in Physical Geography 33(4): 528-546.

- Newton, A.C., Cayuela, L., Echeverría, C., Armesto, J.J., Del Castillo, R.F., Golicher, D., González-Espinosa, M., Huth, A., Lara, A., López-Barrera, F., Manson, R., Negrete-Yankelevich, S., Premoli, A.C., Ramírez-Marcial, N., Rey Benayas, J.M., Rüger, N., Smith-Ramírez, C. y Williams-Linera, G.2009. Toward integrated analysis of human impacts on forest biodiversity: Lessons from Latin America. Ecology and Society 14(2): 2.

- González-Espinosa, M., Ramírez-Marcial, N., Galindo-Jaimes, L., Camacho-Cruz, A., Golicher, D., Cayuela, L. y Rey-Benayas, J.M. 2009. Tendencias y proyecciones del uso del suelo y la diversidad florística en Los Altos de Chiapas, México. Investigación Ambiental. Ciencia y Política Pública 1(1): 40-53.

- Cayuela, L. 2009. Fragmentation. En: Gillespie, R. & Clague, D. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Islands. University of California Press, pp. 328-330.



- Miles, L., Newton, A.C., Alvarez-Aquino, C., Armesto, J.J., Del Castillo, R.F., Cayuela, L., Echeverría, C., González-Espinosa, M., Lara, A., López, R.A., López-Barrera, F., Manson, R., Montoya-Gómez, G., Muñiz-Castro, M.A., Núñez-Avila, M.C., Pedraza, R.A., Rey-Benayas, J.M., Rovere, A.E., Rüger, N., Smith-Ramírez, C., Souto, C. y Williams-Linera, G. 2007. Future scenarios for tropical montane and south temperate forest biodiversity in Latin America. En: Newton, A. (ed.) Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes: The Forests of Montane Mexico and Temperate South America. CAB International, pp. 370-397.

- Rey-Benayas, J.M., Cayuela, L., González-Espinosa, M., Echeverría, C., Manson, R.H., Williams-Linera, G., Del Castillo, R.F., Ramírez-Marcial, N., Muñiz-Castro, M.A., Blanco-Macías, A., Lara, A. y Newton, A.C. 2007. Plant diversity in highly fragmented forest landscapes in Mexico and Chile: Implications for conservation. En: Newton, A. (ed.) Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes: The Forests of Montane Mexico and Temperate South America. CAB International, pp. 43-68.

- Echeverría, C., Cayuela, L., Manson, R., Coomes, D.A., Lara, A., Rey-Benayas, J.M. y Newton, A.C. 2007. Spatial and temporal patterns of forest loss and fragmentation in Mexico and Chile. En: Newton, A. (ed.) Biodiversity Loss and Conservation in Fragmented Forest Landscapes: The Forests of Montane Mexico and Temperate South America. CAB International, pp. 14-42.


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